Friday, June 23, 2017

The (two week) wait is over!

When you're on vacation, two weeks feels like three days.  When you're waiting to find out whether your IVF worked, two weeks crawls by at a snails pace.  I spent the first few days taking it easy, lounging around and letting my wonderful mother in law cook and clean.  It was a nice mini vacation of sorts.  On about day five, I was super tired and started to feel light cramping, so of course, I googled my symptoms.  Not a good idea!  Its possible to spend hours pouring through blogs and forums and find a million different best and worst case scenarios.  After a good long troll on the internet, I decided it was best to avoid any more "research" and try to keep busy.  I felt twinges consistently until day eight, when they slowed down.  I had a strong feeling that I was pregnant, but I wasn't sure whether it was wishful thinking or the real thing.  By day ten, my husband offered at least three times to pick up a home pregnancy test.  I repeatedly declined, mostly because I wanted to find out from the clinic at the same time as the IPs.  If I'm honest, I was also really scared of taking a test and it being negative.  The IPs and I referred to these feelings as cautiously excited.  We wanted to think nothing but good thoughts, but it was impossible to ignore the 45% chance that things didn't work as we hoped.
Finally, test day came.  It was a simple blood draw at 7:00 am, and the time between then and 1:30 pm, when I got the results, felt like an eternity.  I am pregnant!  It's still early but my HCG levels were great.  Two more blood tests over the next week to ensure levels continue to rise.  Fingers crossed!
I made this shirt for my FaceTime call with the IPs, but before they even got a chance to notice it, I blurted out the news, too excited to keep it in.  It was a humbling, exciting, wonderful feeling to share this news with the parents to be, just one more perk of this adventure!

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The (two week) wait is over!

When you're on vacation, two weeks feels like three days.  When you're waiting to find out whether your IVF worked, two weeks crawls...