Thursday, March 16, 2017

Medications-Phase One

Monday I officially start medications.  I will begin with an injection of a drug called Lupron.  Its a small injection in the fatty tissue of my stomach, so it should be relatively painless.  In order to regulate and balance out my hormones, as well as prepare my body for the embryo implantation, we first have to suppress my body's natural instincts.  Essentially, Lupron forces my body into a pseudo- menopausal state.  It will thin out the lining of my uterus and prepare it for the next stage, which will add hormones back in to thicken the lining and make it sticky.  I can look forward to all the joys of menopausal discomfort, including but not limited to headaches and insomnia.  Sounds like a perfect time to get a few extra books at the library to keep my mind busy when I can't sleep!  
I have had a few people ask whether I am nervous or excited, and truth be told, I'm both.  I'm a little nervous about the side effects, worried about a hormonal imbalance, afraid I might turn into a raging lunatic!  More importantly though, I am excited for this to finally begin.  It was less than six months ago that I was filling out the initial surrogacy application, but it feels like so much time has passed.  Each day I grow more excited about the possibility of seeing this through to the end, seeing a family hold their child for the first time, to see the love in their eyes and to see a family complete.  This hope  far outweighs any nervous thoughts I may have at the moment and I look forward to the beginning.

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