Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Why surrogacy- Part Two

I don't usually do online quizzes or things like that, but it was a quiet nap time and I was intrigued so I took one and thought the results were pretty spot on...
"You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person.  You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can't really see, but we can feel.  You re very compassionate, strong minded, and devoted to your beliefs.  Although you tend to get melancholic, your ability to empathize for others is a true gift and you possess a sort of kindness that is rare"
Ok, so maybe I see myself as more sunshine than melancholy, but the overall point is there.  I believe in the bigger picture, the grander scheme of things.  I believe that this world needs more kindness and love, the kind that starts with family.
My heart is overflowing with love for the two small beings who I am lucky enough to call mine.  I can't imagine my world without them.  After we had our second, we knew our family was complete, but I didn't feel like I was "done".  Around that same time, I reconnected with a college friend who was herself a surrogate and works for a surrogacy agency.  One conversation with her and I was convinced that this was for me. It took a few more conversations to get my husband on board.  He was concerned about health risks, something going wrong and having to raise our children alone.  (He sees the big picture a little differently than I do sometimes.)  By the time we actually met with the surrogacy agency, we had discussed the details enough that we were both equally excited to begin.
This is our chance to be part of the bigger picture, to spread a little more love into the world.  My husband and I teach our children to do good for others, to give selflessly and we see this as a way to show them what we mean.  We love our children fiercely and fully and empathize with those that would do the same if they had the chance.  My heart aches for those that yearn for a family but are unable to do it on their own.  If you have the chance to speak with someone who has used a surrogate, watch the way their eyes light up when they talk about their child/children.  The road they have traveled to get to that point is so long and uncertain, and there is nothing but joy and thankfulness in their hearts.

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